Department of InformatiX
Microsoft .NET Micro Framework Tools & Resources

Various tools and other stuff to make your .NET Micro Framework development easier:

Universal Configuration Tool
by Jan Kučera, for 2.x, 3.0, 4.x
Simple and extensible management of configuration sectors. (developers documentation)
Micro XAML Tool
by Jan Kučera for 3.0, 4.x.
Brings XAML to your .NET Micro Framework WPF applications.
Tiny Font Tool GUI
by Jan Kučera
User friendly tool to generate .NET Micro Framework fonts.
Advanced Emulator
by Jan Kučera, for 2.x, 3.0.
Hardware independent emulator.
XML Documentation
by Jan Kučera, for 2.x, 4.0.
Intellisense support for .NET Micro Framework assemblies.

Have you build or found another utility? Contact me and it can be here, too!