8/9/2019 - A new article with .NET Micro Framework project templates for Visual Studio 2019.
7/15/2018 - A new article with .NET Micro Framework 4.4 SDK for Visual Studio 2017 to download, including steps to enable .NET Micro Framework 4.3 as well.
7/8/2018 - Since CodePlex has been shut down, most of the SDK and PK releases are now available on the links page.
8/14/2016 -
If you are interested in the future of .NET Micro Framework (and Llilum), you should definitely not miss the current discussion at GitHub
and #493)!
6/11/2016 - The article with error codes has been extended with COM errors.
11/22/2014 - Hints for those who have to run .NET Micro Framework 4.3 in Visual Studio 2010 can be found in articles.
3/30/2014 - A new article listing common deployment and runtime error codes.
8/4/2013 - TFConvert still crashes, but is no longer needed! A new version of the font generating tool.
8/3/2013 - The sold microframeworkprojects.com was removed from the aggregated feed (and links, together with tinyclr.com), sorry it took so long! Blogs by Device Solutions filtered to .NET Micro Framework only.
8/3/2013 - A new article to get the .NET Micro Framework running in Visual Studio 2013 Preview.
7/31/2013 - Most of the dead links fixed, list of modules updated.
2/3/2012 - The event list, which suffered more than any other stuff here, was updated. Also some links where fixed (thanks to David).
1/5/2012 - I have closed the e‑shop. Instead of this you can find a list of distributors and their offering all over the world on the Where to buy page.
10/4/2011 - .NET Micro Framework 4.2 was released on October 4, 2011.
8/24/2011 - If your company has an idea or project related to the .NET Micro Framework for about 9 months of work of 4-8 people, take a chance to submit it as a Software project to the graduate students of computer science at Charles University, that needs to pass a committee oponency and includes making of both the user and developer documentation. More information available at info@microframework.eu. For submissions in the year 2011 it is likely I would attend such a project, including the possibility to lend a hardware for the prototyping.
6/6/2011 - Okay, the graduate studies made me way too much busy to keep updating this site. However, holidays are finally coming, so updates will begin to follow. Firstly, new GHI products are available in the e-shop and all handling fees were removed. Enjoy!
9/29/2010 - Tools refresh is here! Micro Xaml Tool and Universal Configuration Tool should now work without troubles with Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Micro Framework 4.1.
9/27/2010 - An exclusive offer of netduino plus boards came in. Only ten pieces now, next ones in Novemember. Final hardware, beta firmware. First come ...
9/3/2010 - Following requests from you (thanks to Stanislav), I have become an authorized reseller of the netduino board, first few will be stocked soon! And also upon requests from you (thanks to Mrs. Rajilic) the Live Messenger control layout in Contact section was fixed for Firefox 3, and conversations are now enabled again (seems the Live Wave 4 had disabled it).
8/26/2010 - There is a new RSS feed of all posts in the netmf.com forums, see FAQ for the link. NNTP server was updated to work with Windows Mail clients as well. Some links were fixed. The first hotfix (QFE) for .NET Microframework 4.1 was released.
8/20/2010 - Sorry for any problems you might have experienced, whole site was finally upgraded to the .NET 4.0. Experimental NNTP feed was improved to handle MIME posts and use proper encodings.
8/18/2010 - The basic list in the Hardware section also went through a long needed update, and some older links were fixed.
8/18/2010 - Links were updated and cleaned up a bit, and the older SDK versions no longer available on the internet can now be downloaded from here. If anybody of you have some builds I miss, I would be interested. I also wrote a NNTP server during weekend and published there all the community posts I have found, see the FAQ section and enjoy!
8/10/2010 - To simplify the ordering, I have put all the TinyCLR components GHI standardly offers to the e-shop. The remaining must be still ordered by e-mail; moreover GHI buys most of them from other sellers and I am not going to be like generic eletrical store.
8/8/2010 - It took a while, but finally the changelog for all released builds of 4.1 is ready. Special thanks to Martin from Device Solutions, who had a build of the SDK I missed.
8/3/2010 - I officially greet you all after my bachelor thesis defense and the month trip to India. A lot of things happened whilst I was away, hopefully I will update the web soon. Just an information about the new version (4.1) for today, and I am digging into the changelogs.
3/12/2010 - MicroXamlTool was updated to support attached properties.
3/10/2010 - E-shop: FEZ and EMX are finally available, also the new Meridian SBC by Sytech Designs. Major change in prices - changing daily according to current exchange rates, and import fee is paid only once. This means almost every item to be cheaper than before, starting at single piece, and all items should be cheaper than shipments from vendors!
2/24/2010 - MicroXamlTool is now accessible from Visual C# Express Editions.
2/20/2010 - Sean from SJJ agreed with me offering their boards, so first pieces are on the way. Also the announced Blackfin board by Analog Devices should be available the last week in April.
2/15/2010 - Some posts in the aggregated feed were not linked back to the internet, which is a reason for some readers to not show the posts at all. Fixed.
2/14/2010 - I've found that new Live ID users could hit an error during saving their data. Fixed.
2/12/2010 - I've tried to get couple of Jens' books on stock. They are now available in the e-shop.
2/12/2010 - Fixed remaining couple of links broken due to the move yesterday. If you are subscribed to the aggregated feed, MAKE SURE it is working, you should see two new posts by Rob Miles from 10th Feb. Seems some clients did not withstand feed type change as much as they claimed at first. In the worst case remove the feed and subscribe again.
2/11/2010 - Checkout the events, I have added Embedded World 2010 and some photos from the Develop Reality day.
2/11/2010 - How to start and About the framework were moved to the new Tutorials section. I have written new interop walkthrough using Device Solutions' BSP, which is available there, too.
2/9/2010 - This and the aggregated feed went through major update as announced. All entries have now id and other items required by the standard. The aggregated feed's format was changed to Atom and can now parse Atom feeds too, so Kevin's and Stefan's blog got on the list. I have also added Rob Miles' Journal, microframeworkprojects.com, netmf.com and newly created feed of my articles. Filtering was added so no off-topic items should appear anymore, as long as people keep them in right categories. Invalid characters in items are being replaced so that the feed is valid unicode string. Sorry for duplicates, I believe this will help us all. Old files and feeds (index.html etc.) were deleted.
2/8/2010 - A new article about what of C# language works in .NET Micro Framework.
2/5/2010 - The porting kit and recent new web sites were added to the Links. Invalid links fixed and comments updated. Link to Beginners Guide by Gus.
1/29/2010 - The .NET Micro Framework official community web site is finally live! Check it out at http://www.netmf.com/. We will see if keeping this site would still make any sense.
1/19/2010 - And here we go, signed in users can now post comments to articles, utilities and elsewhere! Hope this will be fun.
1/17/2010 - I'm starting to give advantages to signed in users. Now, there is a possibility to remember your info and other settings in the e-shop. Expect more in the very near feature!
1/16/2010 - Warning: to improve content quality, I am going to revise and update the aggregate feed and this one too. Just letting you know in advance, because duplicates will likely appear in the feed readers.
1/16/2010 - If you wonder which instruction is faster, or how short pulse can you send out from native code, perhaps you could find the answer inbetween measured experiments in the new article.
1/14/2010 - In the last minute I was informed about a .NET Micro Framework session to be held tomorrow in Italy. Those who are interested and can speak Italian, be sure to check it out.
12/6/2009 - Three photos were added from the Pavel's session last week (in Events).
12/6/2009 - Device Solutions has recently released their first firmware properly respecting the LCD rotation and other configuration settings. So it was just about the time to publish how the new Universal Configuration Tool can be extended, see the Utilities section.
11/30/2009 - On the occasion of Pavel's session, I've published a first version of my new utility, which I'd been working on during summer holidays. It's mainly intended to work with configurations - and you can extend it, too. I hope you will enjoy it!
11/22/2009 - Home page updated to 4.0 and other minor updates (contact, articles).
11/20/2009 - .NET Micro Framework 4.0 was released this week, and the changelog is now ready for you. Links updated, other pages will follow.
11/15/2009 - Two new events were added (one Czech, one Italian), and small summary of what's new in the Jens' book (in Links). List of SDK versions was also updated. TimedEventArgs class was added to the DCF-77 package.
10/13/2009 - Yesterday an additional refresh of public 4.0 beta was published, now available in changelog - this one was easy. Fixed some references and non-2008 studio problems in MicroXamlTool unregistration, but there are still some issues reported on 64-bit. Be patient, I'm investigating.
10/11/2009 - The MicroXamlTool registration process was updated, now runs on 64-bit systems, too.
10/8/2009 - I was updating the Tiny Font Tool GUI utility past couple of days. If you are using it, I would say the new version is worth downloading.
10/5/2009 - The utilities section was redesigned. A new XML Documentation for the public 4.0 beta is now available!
10/4/2009 - The AUG AMI DevKit is now in the hardware comparison table. Any updates or corrections on the new table entries welcomed.
10/2/2009 - The ChipworkX module is now in the hardware comparison table.
9/28/2009 - Hmm..this took me past two weeks, but the changelog for v4.0 is finally finished! Also the GHI's WiFi expansion is available in the e-shop, stock expected this week.
9/8/2009 - The .NET Micro Framework 4.0 public beta was released this weekend. Also the Dare to Dream Different challenge finished last week. Check the contest web for winners.
8/29/2009 - Jens Kühner finished the second edition of his "Expert .NET Micro Framework" book, which can be now found in the Links section, although I have not the possibility to read it yet. Contragulations, Jens.
7/18/2009 - E-shop was updated: now PayPal is accepted, most of GHI products including special offers and new ChipworkX products are available and even stocked. Check it out! (feedback welcomed)
6/26/2009 - There is an animated background idea in examples, fixed code in articles (modal windows & topmost collector), debug transport switching for Tahoe-II now in FAQ. GHI Electronics blog added to the aggregated feed.
6/9/2009 - A new article has been added, describing how you can collect touch events on the window which is visible (the topmost one) instead of the application's main window only.
6/8/2009 - There were significant exchange rate changes last couple of days, so take the chance and enjoy the new prices in e-shop! By the way, the Meridian/P is now stocked and ready for shipping, very nice piece of hardware!
6/4/2009 - As there is no official list of the Dare To Dream Different Challenge submissions, I have put up an unofficial one where you can post links to your videos.
4/6/2009 - GHI lowered prices for 100pcs of TFT modules, Windows Embedded Partner Program now recognizes .NET Micro Framework, and the Porting Kit special price ends on April 15!
3/29/2009 - A sample WPF emulator with display support was added to the Examples section (the ideas part).
3/23/2009 - For all who were (too) not aware of the Blackfin (DSP) development board, I've added one to the hardware list. Thanks Massoud for the link!
3/17/2009 - I'm beginning to experiment with a RSS feed from the discussion group, see FAQ section for the link. Let's see if it turns out to be useful...
3/16/2009 - There is a new article after long time again - about emulators of different type than Windows Forms. Hopefully the articles will come in more often now. The blog of a Czech author Ondřej Piálek was added to links and feeds last week.
3/1/2009 - The blogs of Kevin Townsend and Stefan Schmidt added (to Links only), updated link to blog of Michael Schwarz (also in aggregated feed). Both new Tahoe-II and Aug AMI development boards are now in stock.
2/12/2009 - Next issue of newsletter was published (see Links) and .NET Micro Framework 4.0 feature survey available!
2/10/2009 - AdvancedEmulator fixed to run on 3.0 and 96dpi in case somebody would be interested. :)
2/2/2009 - USBizi has been added to the modules comparison table, and some good news - AUG AMI DevKit is and will be available in the e-shop, first shipments expected in March.
12/29/2008 - The source code for demos showed during last two sessions is available for download in the articles. I wish a lot of success and fun to everybody in the upcoming year!
12/7/2008 - So I've updated almost everything except FAQ to 3.0 during weekend. There is a new article about upgrading 2.x project files to 3.0, and a little XAML tool update. Special original Tahoe winter pack can be found in the e-shop, and fifth newsletter and USB device programming book
11/30/2008 - I have started updating the web to cover the new framework version, so sorry for any errors. This year's first session here is over, and introduced the XAML into the world of .NET Micro Framework. I didn't thought it would be too much useful, but once you try it, you'll never want to go back!
11/5/2008 - New event added - Microsoft Fest 2008 in Czech Republic, and the Elze Kool's blog found by Jens is now in aggregated channel.
10/29/2008 - The .NET Micro Framework final version 3.0 was released. Thanks for your help during beta testing. As usual, the change log is available. Enjoy!
10/21/2008 - To all whom it may concern - GHI's TFT products are finally available for ordering, first pieces shipping this week. The new Tahoe-II is also available in the e-shop, but this one can't be shipped until early November. Enjoy!
9/25/2008 - USBizis are now (finally) available in the e-shop!
9/8/2008 - Welcome to our newest friend, Luke Thompson and his robotics targeted blog pure robot.com. His feed is now included in the aggregated one. Some link fixes.
8/18/2008 - GHI has allowed me to distribute their products, so you can order them now in the e-shop!
8/9/2008 - Michael Schwarz sent me enough info to include the HiCO.ARM9-Core in the comparison table, thanks! Fixed all links in articles and category links in FAQ (IE7).
8/6/2008 - The e-shop now officially accepts on-line credit card payments and standard shipping without tracking around 5 euros. New article about Reflector (for beginners).
7/30/2008 - TinyFontToolGUI updated to support anti-aliased fonts.
7/29/2008 - An article and an example about using matrix keyboards to simulate buttons.
7/29/2008 - Now adding authors to the all-in-one feed titles, sorry if it causes duplicates.
7/29/2008 - Finally completed the change log for the beta version, including DPWS libraries. Fixed link to today's newsletter.
7/28/2008 - First public beta of the 3.0 version available! The newsletter archive added to Links.
7/25/2008 - Notes about IButtonTranslator used in ButtonTextBox.
7/25/2008 - ButtonTextBox for entering text using buttons! (demo included)
7/24/2008 - Common feed from all blogs added to the links section. Web is now more friendly to printing and IE6 users.
7/24/2008 - An article about overcoming the 13 buttons limit.
7/22/2008 - Single-precision floating-point logarithm.
7/20/2008 - A lightweight version of the UrlDecode method.
7/19/2008 - New web published. Current content updates: PortStore expanded by TrisState ports, significant changes to Dcf77Decoder a NoritakeDisplay files, actualized hardware and modules comparison table added, FAQ EWR settings removal and restoratoin, articles about modal windows and configurations, link to TOC and code from Jens' Book.
7/11/2008 - Started pilot run on new web server.
7/3/2008 - Hardware price corrections and link to the blog of Device Solutions.
5/11/2008 - Complete SerialInterruptPort with DataReceived event, ethernet extension board for Tahoe by Thomas, some hardware updates and Tahoe in Czech Republic (yes, shipping to Europe)!
4/24/2008 - Fixed link to Newsletter No. 3, sample chapter from the book by Jens Kühner, link to Dave Baker's blog, resource FAQ separated and enum hint added.
4/7/2008 - WrapPanel, bug fix in DayTime.cs and added output ports support to the PortStore class.
4/3/2008 - DockPanel class, tiny bug fix in DCF-77 decoder and Jim's video about news in version 2.5.
4/2/2008 - Added link to the Christopher's blog and his VB.NET example for .NET Micro Framework.
3/26/2008 - Note about Pavel's session at VŠB-TU Ostrava.
3/7/2008 - Oscilloscope control example, some small fixed in AdvancedEmulator, Infinity/NaN FAQ.
3/4/2008 - Links to Seana Linga articles, noteworthy to EDK Steb-By-Step Guide, likely the most exhaustive literature with examples available on the net.
2/29/2008 - .NET Micro Frameworku version 2.5 announced at Embedded World 2008, hardware list update.
2/18/2008 - Found a link to the Porting the .NET Micro Framework White Paper.
2/8/2008 - Some notes about SerialPort and interrupts, hardware and book prices for orientation, and link to blog of Alden Linn.
2/2/2008 - A tiny FAQ link to the big site of Josepha Albahariho about threading in .NET.
1/29/2008 - Pavel Bánský published the second game written in .NET Micro Framework - Tetris. Its a great example of completed application with user interface, multiple windows and EWRs.
1/26/2008 - A trick how to assign known identifiers to your resources.
1/24/2008 - Separate FAQ page about working with ExtendedWeakReference, link to blog of Mike Hall and Porting Agreement paragraph.
1/19/2008 - Published the first version of Advanced Emulator, capable of being indepent on hardware.
1/16/2008 - Web transated to english and binded to www.microframework.eu.
1/15/2008 - Dcf77Decoder.cs class for decoding time from DCF-77 radio signal.
1/11/2008 - Console window example and link to blog of Rob Miles.