Department of InformatiX
Microsoft .NET Micro Framework Tools & Resources

Tiny Font Tool GUI

by Jan Kučera, last updated: 8/4/2013.

This project costs my personal free time. If it helps to save your time, please support its development.
6,127 downloads, 8 donations – thank you!

Update 8/4/2013: Another considerable update of this tool:


This tool could save you some time when dealing with TFConvert.exe. Originally a graphical user interface for this font creating tool, now generating fonts on its own:

Tiny Font Tool GUI Screenshot

The tool is available archived (415 kB, ZIP) or directly (533 kB, EXE). Requires .NET Framework 4.0.

Current biggest limitations:

Known issues:

The previous version requiring TFConvert is available upon request by e-mail.

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