Department of InformatiX
Microsoft .NET Micro Framework Tools & Resources

Update August 2019: Added tags to the project templates and target files for older .NET Micro Framework versions.

This time just quickly, no code...

.NET Micro Framework 4.4 and Visual Studio 2019

Visual Studio 2019 new project dialog with .NET Micro Framework 4.4 templates

I managed to update most of the .NET Micro Framework SDK code to compile under Visual Studio 2019, however the final VSIX generation step will likely require non-trivial changes that are currently above my time constraints. I succeeded however in editing the existing VSIX manually so that it works with Visual Studio 2019. The SDK has not changed, so if you have it, you just need the VSIX with templates.

VSIX fileVS2019MF44RTW.VSIX (3.15 MB) MSI file VS2017MF44RTW.MSI (15 MB)
(only if you don't have the SDK yet)

.NET Micro Framework 4.3 and Visual Studio 2019

In order to use versions 3.0 to 4.3 of the framework, you will need to install the .NET Micro Framework 4.3 SDK too, in addition to the 4.4 version above.

Comment Richard 12/21/2019 9:39:11 PM
Could you share the changes needed to build with VS2019?
Comment Valoni 12/30/2019 6:17:43 PM
congrulations WOW now i see .NET Framework 4.4 on vs2019 please could you publish way of VS2019 VSIX build
Comment Dmitry 1/8/2020 12:18:43 PM
Debug doesn't work on VS2019 ((
Comment Jan Kučera 2/8/2020 3:29:18 PM
Dmitry, I had debugging working. Can you please share more details - VS version, MF version, HW?
Comment Jan Kučera 2/8/2020 3:32:04 PM
As for the code, I do not have a compiling solution at the moment - as I said I edited the VSIX manually - but I will put it on GitHub if I manage to resolve it.
Comment Valoni 2/12/2020 12:15:13 PM
On path : ....\ MSBuild \ Microsoft \ .NET Micro Framework \ v4.4 Open file : CSharp.targets after line : CscToolPath Add line < LangVersion > Iso-2 < / LangVersion > and save file
Comment Jan Kučera 5/26/2020 7:31:46 PM
Valoni, there is no reason to limit the language version to C# 2.0. You can use many features of newer C# versions, and when you try to use something that MF does not support, you will get a compilation error anyway.
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