Microsoft .NET Micro Framework v2.5 is on the way! This release focuses on making it easier to build networked devices. Our hardware partners have received a beta release of the v2.5 porting kit and are readying compatible firmware for their devices and development boards. Here's a brief look at two major features you can expect in v2.5 -- check out our Technical Articles below for more details on each. And keep an eye out for this release in early 2008.
Native TCP/IP Networking
In the past, the easiest way to support networking in a .NET Micro Framework device has been to call through to an underlying operating system with sockets support. .NET Micro Framework v2.5 includes a native TCP/IP stack that's available even when running directly on the hardware; device makers need only provide a driver for the network interface. This will result in the eventual availability of a wider selection of network-capable hardware development platforms for developers to choose from. Application developers can use this stack using the same Sockets interface already available in v2.0.
Devices Profile for Web Services
Our last newsletter mentioned DPWS, the Devices Profile for Web Services. DPWS, sometimes called Web Services on Devices (WSD), is a Web Services profile that makes it easier for networked devices to discover each other, exchange information, and share functionality. It's built into Windows Vista and is part of the Windows Rally technology set. (You can read more about it in the
DPWS white paper.) A DPWS technology preview is a part of the .NET Micro Framework v2.5 SDK, to be made available in early 2008. The DPWS libraries are managed assemblies that you link into your application, so they won't take up any space on your device if you don't use them.
This newsletter reflects Microsoft's release plans for .NET Micro Framework v2.5 as of the time it was written and should not be taken as a guarantee of feature set or availability date.